ForeWord Magazine's 8th Annual (2006) Book of the Year Awards
Overall, almost 1,400 books were entered in 59 different categories (these were narrowed down to 698 finalists). I entered my book in the “True Crime” category and I’m told there were about 30-40 other books also entered in this same category. Including my book, there were only four (4) finalists.
ForeWord Magazine is the only review trade journal devoted exclusively to covering books from independent publishers and/or authors. Their Book of the Year Awards program was established to bring increased attention (from librarians and booksellers) to the literary achievements of independent publishers and their authors.
Although my book did not win an award, it was still an honor for me to have it chosen as a finalist.
2011 Dan Poynter's inagural Global eBook Awards
Winning entry in the True Crime, non-fiction category
2011 london Book Festival
Awarded an "Honorable Mention" in the E-Book category
2009 San Francisco Book Festival
Awarded an "Honorable Mention" in the non-fiction category
2009 Beach Book Festival
Awarded an "Honorable Mention" in the non-fiction category
2009 Hollywood Book Festival
Awarded an "Honorable Mention" in the non-fiction category
2007 National "Best Books" Awards
My book was a Finalist in the non-fiction "True Crime" category
2007 London Book Festival
Awarded an "Honorable Mention" in the non-fiction category